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Authors pour their heart, time, and energy into their writings. Often, they search their innermost parts for the story. The book so dear to the heart captures the imagination. 

A Desert Dawn is about preparing books to be competition ready.

Winning books wear medallions on their covers. The seal symbolizes to all readers that the book is exclusively superior to the other books on the shelf. The best and most respected judges have given their seal of approval. Book buyers place much confidence in the medallions, as they should. The medallion is a symbol of excellence that could be on your book. 

Winning books often are highly promoted to the extent of the contest company’s reach. Many have multiple mega-social media platforms, email campaigns, magazines and are publishing companies with large cliental. For free, the book award companies often list your book with other book vending companies, including international markets. Many companies eagerly anticipate the award results to promote and sell winning books.

A Desert Dawn’s desire is to sharpen your book with the cutting edge needed to claim a medallion.

The competition ready book has the front cover, font, and back of the book tell the same story as what the Master Writer has written inside.


The Master Writer practices the art of connecting the story to the heart and mind. Paragraphs launch instead of stating the stated.  The Powerful Writer turns words into a motion picture. 

The Master Artist tells the same story by the stroke lines of a brush, soft pastels, pencils, or a stylus.  The Powerful Artist connecting lines to emotions. The reader closes the book in completion, the eyes gaze upon the front cover. The story on the cover has now been revealed. This is the work of a Master Crafter.

Jim Darnell, a Master Writer, and Dawn Darnell, a Master Artist and Master Writer, have won 98 international book awards. Dawn Renee has also won 68 international photography awards, plus others, so far.

Dawn was named:

2024 Woman of the Year

2023 Photographer of the Year

2023 Artist of the Year

A Desert Dawn's vision is to help perfect your books so that they become all that they can be. 

Lets all have medallions on our book covers!

It is a ministry of A Desert Dawn to help make book dreams come to life. If you have a hardship, A Desert Dawn will help publish your book for free - no questions asked. However, they do ask for one copy of your printed paperback, signed by you, to add to the bookshelf. Email 

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A Desert Dawn is a Christian and family-oriented company. The writers and artists reserve the right to not read

or design books with sexual content, nudity, graphic violence or AI.

© 2022 A Desert Dawn  Publishing Studio

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